
Set your Crescent, IA home insurance budgets to the right level & within standard limits by comparing the cheapest quotes.

Top 10 Places with Highest Monthly Homeowner Cost Close to Crescent, IA with Home Insurance

Rank Place Monthly Housing Cost Home Insurance
Crescent $1,385 $57
1 Walton, NE $2,979 $83
2 Hancock $2,683 $68
3 Oak, NE $2,083 $84
4 Melville $2,063 $60
5 Woodland Hills, NE $2,040 $88
6 Fairview, NE $2,035 $89
7 Lancaster, NE $1,996 $89
8 Bellevue Second II, NE $1,922 $87
9 Gilmore I, NE $1,905 $84
10 Stocking, NE $1,888 $94

Top 10 Places with Lowest Monthly Homeowner Cost Close to Crescent, IA with Home Insurance

Rank Place Monthly Housing Cost Home Insurance
Crescent $1,385 $57
1 Varina $180 $51
2 Hepburn $225 $53
3 Yetter $225 $50
4 Sholes, NE $250 $72
5 Arborville, NE $257 $75
6 Burchard, NE $264 $74
7 Fontanelle, NE $265 $78
8 Carbon $267 $54
9 Elk Creek, NE $277 $72
10 Turin $282 $52

Top 10 Places with Highest Monthly Homeowner Costs as a Percentage of Income Close to Crescent, IA with Home Insurance

Rank Place Monthly Homeowner Costs as a Percentage of Income (%) Home Insurance
Crescent 19.1 $57
1 Cuming, NE 50 $80
2 Fortescue, MO 48.3 $87
3 River Sioux 41.4 $50
4 Bouton 35 $53
5 Walton, NE 34.4 $83
6 Prairie Island, NE 31.8 $78
7 Tamora, NE 31.1 $89
8 Allendale, MO 31.1 $76
9 Coon Valley 30.8 $51
10 Ridgeley, NE 30.7 $83

Top 10 Places with Lowest Monthly Homeowner Costs as a Percentage of Income Close to Crescent, IA with Home Insurance

Rank Place Monthly Homeowner Costs as a Percentage of Income (%) Home Insurance
Crescent 19.1 $57
1 King Lake, NE 10 $85
2 James 10 $60
3 Wann, NE 10 $75
4 South Bend, NE 10 $77
5 Marne 10 $54
6 Mill, NE 10 $83
7 Bell Creek, NE 10 $79
8 Kennebec 10 $53
9 Hanover 10 $53
10 Tarkio 10 $51

Top 10 Places with Most Expensive Homes Close to Crescent, IA with Home Insurance

Rank Place Home Value Home Insurance (Yearly)
Crescent $178,800 $691
1 Lakeport $830,600 $1,272
2 Corley $776,800 $959
3 Bohemia, NE $429,500 $1,305
4 Victory $405,600 $812
5 Leroy, NE $402,600 $952
6 Lake Panorama $394,200 $791
7 Hancock $358,800 $821
8 Sun Valley Lake $345,800 $745
9 Poe $328,300 $780
10 Fairview, NE $326,200 $1,079

Top 10 Places with Cheapest Homes Close to Crescent, IA with Home Insurance

Rank Place Home Value Home Insurance (Yearly)
Crescent $178,800 $691
1 Yetter $11,300 $606
2 Beaconsfield $13,800 $611
3 Carbon $14,000 $654
4 Ohiowa, NE $14,200 $875
5 Dawson, NE $17,500 $887
6 Northboro $18,300 $614
7 Dana $18,500 $613
8 Gravity $19,500 $609
9 Ellston $21,300 $608
10 Baker, NE $22,300 $888

Top 10 Places Close to Crescent, IA with the highest rental yield with Home Insurance

Rank Place Rental Yield (%) Home Insurance
Crescent 6.4 $57
1 Gravity 44.6 $50
2 Hastings 33.9 $51
3 Arkoe, MO 32.9 $71
4 Elk Creek, NE 31.5 $72
5 Dawson, NE 28.6 $73
6 Watson, MO 27.3 $76
7 Todd Creek, NE 26.5 $76
8 Sharpsburg 26.4 $51
9 Arispe 26.0 $52
10 Nishnabotna, MO 25 $75

Top 10 Places Close to Crescent, IA with the lowest rental yield with Home Insurance

Rank Place Rental Yield (%) Home Insurance
Crescent 6.4 $57
1 Barada, NE 1.0 $76
2 Silver 2.1 $62
3 Edna 2.1 $53
4 Elkhorn, NE 2.2 $88
5 White Cloud 2.6 $57
6 Woodville, NE 2.7 $86
7 Adams 2.8 $60
8 Emerick, NE 3.1 $83
9 Green Garden, NE 3.2 $76
10 Big Blue, NE 3.2 $71