
Your Cazenovia, IL home insurance budget is tied to your income levels & other factors. Get quotes from Cazenovia, IL firms to stay within budget.

Top 10 Places with Highest Monthly Homeowner Cost Close to Cazenovia, IL with Home Insurance

Rank Place Monthly Housing Cost Home Insurance
Cazenovia $772 $61
1 Charlotte $3,074 $63
2 Blackberry $2,565 $71
3 Wheatland $2,509 $71
4 Campton Hills $2,375 $75
5 Campton $2,358 $73
6 Green Garden $2,345 $74
7 Norman $2,331 $71
8 Naperville $2,206 $72
9 Prestbury $2,190 $69
10 Na-Au-Say $2,153 $66

Top 10 Places with Lowest Monthly Homeowner Cost Close to Cazenovia, IL with Home Insurance

Rank Place Monthly Housing Cost Home Insurance
Cazenovia $772 $61
1 Gilson $278 $59
2 Topeka $300 $59
3 Austin $367 $63
4 Peach Orchard $376 $59
5 Harmon $382 $60
6 Deer Grove $386 $61
7 St. Augustine $390 $58
8 Newmansville $392 $60
9 Dana $417 $59
10 New Bedford $417 $59

Top 10 Places with Highest Monthly Homeowner Costs as a Percentage of Income Close to Cazenovia, IL with Home Insurance

Rank Place Monthly Homeowner Costs as a Percentage of Income (%) Home Insurance
Cazenovia 14.2 $61
1 Charlotte 50 $63
2 Afton 39.7 $65
3 Symerton 37 $63
4 Virgil 34.5 $65
5 Green Garden 33.7 $74
6 Wilson 33.3 $58
7 Whitefield 32 $66
8 Ohio Grove 31.4 $61
9 Germanville 30.6 $61
10 Owego 30.4 $64

Top 10 Places with Lowest Monthly Homeowner Costs as a Percentage of Income Close to Cazenovia, IL with Home Insurance

Rank Place Monthly Homeowner Costs as a Percentage of Income (%) Home Insurance
Cazenovia 14.2 $61
1 Waldo 10 $60
2 Pennsylvania 10 $60
3 Bernadotte 10 $59
4 Austin 10 $63
5 Woodland 10 $60
6 Lynchburg 10 $59
7 Woosung 10 $58
8 Bald Bluff 10 $62
9 Raritan 10 $61
10 LaPlace 10 $62

Top 10 Places with Most Expensive Homes Close to Cazenovia, IL with Home Insurance

Rank Place Home Value Home Insurance (Yearly)
Cazenovia $102,000 $732
1 Campton Hills $445,700 $906
2 Green Garden $436,800 $899
3 Campton $397,300 $881
4 Naperville $384,500 $866
5 Lemont $376,600 $869
6 Wheatland $357,300 $852
7 Blackberry $356,100 $856
8 Wilton $347,100 $905
9 Fox $345,200 $865
10 Miller $338,000 $822

Top 10 Places with Cheapest Homes Close to Cazenovia, IL with Home Insurance

Rank Place Home Value Home Insurance (Yearly)
Cazenovia $102,000 $732
1 Cornland $26,700 $692
2 Goofy Ridge $29,700 $699
3 Fancy Prairie $34,300 $747
4 Gilson $38,300 $714
5 Adair $43,300 $707
6 La Fayette $45,000 $701
7 Bardolph $47,300 $707
8 Topeka $47,500 $716
9 St. Augustine $48,500 $706
10 Newmansville $49,200 $724

Top 10 Places Close to Cazenovia, IL with the highest rental yield with Home Insurance

Rank Place Rental Yield (%) Home Insurance
Cazenovia 9.4 $61
1 Wellington 36.4 $59
2 Seaton 29.4 $59
3 Raritan 27.1 $61
4 Goofy Ridge 25.8 $58
5 Adair 23.1 $58
6 Forest City 21.7 $60
7 Joy 16.0 $59
8 Grandview 15.7 $59
9 La Fayette 15.6 $58
10 Cisco 15.4 $59

Top 10 Places Close to Cazenovia, IL with the lowest rental yield with Home Insurance

Rank Place Rental Yield (%) Home Insurance
Cazenovia 9.4 $61
1 Seymour 1.7 $62
2 Miller 2.3 $68
3 Green Garden 2.5 $74
4 Port Byron 2.5 $63
5 Norman 2.5 $71
6 Campton Hills 2.5 $75
7 Wilton 2.6 $75
8 Old Town 2.6 $66
9 Lemont 2.7 $72
10 Cornwall 2.7 $70