
Your plan to have a low cost South Lancaster, WI home insurance depends on knowing income & housing cost ratios & getting multiple competing offers.

Top 10 Places with Highest Monthly Homeowner Cost Close to South Lancaster, WI with Home Insurance

Rank Place Monthly Housing Cost Home Insurance
South Lancaster $750 $55
1 Manchester, IL $2,452 $68
2 Maple Bluff $2,289 $64
3 Shorewood Hills $2,277 $68
4 Elkport, IA $2,078 $54
5 Waunakee $2,018 $59
6 Vienna $1,877 $58
7 Rice, IL $1,875 $68
8 Vermont $1,807 $60
9 Pleasant Valley, IL $1,795 $70
10 Verona $1,782 $56

Top 10 Places with Lowest Monthly Homeowner Cost Close to South Lancaster, WI with Home Insurance

Rank Place Monthly Housing Cost Home Insurance
South Lancaster $750 $55
1 Buckingham, IA $288 $56
2 Homestead, IA $333 $55
3 Randalia, IA $356 $51
4 Bell Center $368 $50
5 Ionia, IA $378 $52
6 Harmon, IL $382 $60
7 Clayton, IA $383 $54
8 Grand Marsh $383 $50
9 Deer Grove, IL $386 $61
10 Niles, IA $391 $54

Top 10 Places with Highest Monthly Homeowner Costs as a Percentage of Income Close to South Lancaster, WI with Home Insurance

Rank Place Monthly Homeowner Costs as a Percentage of Income (%) Home Insurance
South Lancaster 18.1 $55
1 Elkport, IA 50 $54
2 Berreman, IL 50 $63
3 Rush, IL 41.2 $62
4 Blanchard 35.4 $56
5 Erin, IL 33.8 $63
6 Manchester, IL 33.6 $68
7 South Wayne 32.3 $50
8 Webster 31.4 $51
9 Sageville, IA 30.3 $54
10 Elkhorn Grove, IL 30.3 $61

Top 10 Places with Lowest Monthly Homeowner Costs as a Percentage of Income Close to South Lancaster, WI with Home Insurance

Rank Place Monthly Homeowner Costs as a Percentage of Income (%) Home Insurance
South Lancaster 18.1 $55
1 White Oak Springs 10 $52
2 Low Moor, IA 10 $54
3 Woosung, IL 10 $58
4 Amana, IA 10 $63
5 Saratoga, IA 10 $54
6 Sharon, IA 10 $58
7 Jackson Junction, IA 10.4 $51
8 Springbrook, IA 11.1 $53
9 Fox, IA 11.2 $59
10 Masonville, IA 11.4 $53

Top 10 Places with Most Expensive Homes Close to South Lancaster, WI with Home Insurance

Rank Place Home Value Home Insurance (Yearly)
South Lancaster $194,200 $663
1 Shorewood Hills $579,600 $824
2 Maple Bluff $467,000 $778
3 Pleasant Valley, IL $450,000 $843
4 Springdale $375,400 $741
5 Vermont $362,700 $726
6 Hart, MN $351,900 $1,107
7 Springfield $343,600 $722
8 Newport, IA $325,600 $779
9 Elkport, IA $315,600 $654
10 Waunakee $310,100 $713

Top 10 Places with Cheapest Homes Close to South Lancaster, WI with Home Insurance

Rank Place Home Value Home Insurance (Yearly)
South Lancaster $194,200 $663
1 Bluffview $23,400 $588
2 Scott, IA $26,100 $612
3 Randalia, IA $38,800 $614
4 Stanley, IA $41,300 $625
5 Bassett, IA $47,000 $625
6 Utica, IA $47,900 $624
7 Morley, IA $50,000 $630
8 Westgate, IA $51,700 $623
9 Alta Vista, IA $51,800 $627
10 Oxford Junction, IA $52,100 $634

Top 10 Places Close to South Lancaster, WI with the highest rental yield with Home Insurance

Rank Place Rental Yield (%) Home Insurance
South Lancaster 4.2 $55
1 Bluffview 26.7 $49
2 Scott, IA 23.7 $51
3 Morley, IA 19.8 $52
4 Grand Marsh 17.5 $50
5 New Milford, IL 16.7 $59
6 Steuben 16.3 $49
7 Elma, IA 16.0 $52
8 Oxford Junction, IA 15.2 $52
9 Buffalo Prairie, IL 14.4 $64
10 Stockton, IA 14.2 $53

Top 10 Places Close to South Lancaster, WI with the lowest rental yield with Home Insurance

Rank Place Rental Yield (%) Home Insurance
South Lancaster 4.2 $55
1 Canton, MN 1.5 $86
2 Dresbach, MN 1.8 $87
3 Frederika, IA 1.9 $54
4 Little Grant 2.3 $55
5 Maple Bluff 2.3 $64
6 Harmony 2.3 $56
7 Carrolton, MN 2.4 $88
8 Merrimac 2.4 $59
9 Barclay, IA 2.4 $57
10 Port Byron, IL 2.5 $63